Army sends off 67 newly Called to Active Duty (CAD) officers

The Philippine Army sent off 67 reserve officers who will be Called to Active Duty (CAD) in a ceremony at the Headquarters Philippine Army Grandstand, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila on December 29, 2022.
Army Vice Commander Maj. Gen. Adonis R. Bajao, who spoke on behalf of Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., challenged the new CAD officers to prove their mettle as they fulfill their oath to serve the people and secure the land. “May all these preparations we had implemented generate the desired results we looked into for this program—all in the name of service,” Maj. Gen. Bajao remarked.
The 67 new CAD officers—who hail from various professions—will serve as part of the Regular Force for two years. They will undergo a 15-day pre-deployment training prior to taking on their respective field duties.
Photos by Pvt Divino S Lozano PA/ OACPA